Inject Context


When building Angular applications, you often need to pass a shared context to child components without having to propagate data through multiple @Input() properties.

One convenient way to achieve this is by using a directive as the “context root” and an InjectionToken for dependency injection (DI). This allows child components within a single DOM tree to directly access the data and signals provided by the directive.

What is InjectionToken?

InjectionToken<T> is a special Angular class that creates a unique token for the DI container. You use it when you want to inject something other than a class, such as an interface or configuration object.

 export const MY_TOKEN = new InjectionToken<string>('MyToken'); 

Here, MyToken is a label for debugging, and <string> specifies the type of data the token will provide.

Basic Usage

  1. Define the interface and token

Create an interface describing the desired “context” and an injection token that will provide it:

 import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
export interface MyContext {
  value: number;
  message: string;
  increment: void;
  // ... любые другие поля/методы
export const MY_CONTEXT_TOKEN = new InjectionToken<MyContext>('MyContextToken'); 
  1. Create a directive as the “context root”

Have the directive implement MyContext . In providers , register the token using useExisting . This means that when MY_CONTEXT_TOKEN is requested, the directive instance itself will be returned.

 import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { MyContext, MY_CONTEXT_TOKEN } from './my-context';
  selector: '[myContext]',
  providers: [
      provide: MY_CONTEXT_TOKEN,
      useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyContextDirective)
export class MyContextDirective implements MyContext {
  value = 0;
  message = 'Hello from directive';
  increment() {

forwardRef is needed to reference the directive class before it is declared. Without it, Angular might throw an error related to declaration order during compilation.

  1. Inject the context in child components

Any component or directive placed within the element hosting myContext can get the directive via MY_CONTEXT_TOKEN :

 import { Component, inject } from '@angular/core';
import { MY_CONTEXT_TOKEN } from './my-context';
  selector: 'child-component',
  template: `
    <p>Value: {{ context.value }}</p>
    <button (click)="increment()">Increment</button>
export class ChildComponent {
  readonly context = inject(MY_CONTEXT_TOKEN);
  increment() {
  1. Use it in a template

Attach the directive to the parent element that contains the child components:

 <div myContext>
  <child-component />
  <child-component />

Both <child-component> instances will now share the same context, enabling them to jointly access and modify the shared data.

Common Use Cases

  • Custom Styling: Access internal state to apply dynamic styles based on component state.
  • Extended Functionality: Build upon existing component logic to add new features.
  • Complex Layouts: Create intricate UI patterns by composing multiple components and sharing state between them.
  • Accessibility Enhancements: Utilize internal methods and state to improve keyboard navigation or screen reader support.

Best Practices

  • Use clear names: For both the InjectionToken and the directive itself.
  • Explicitly specify the type in the InjectionToken so that IDEs and TypeScript can provide better checks.
  • Don’t create unnecessary tokens: If the data is only needed in one place, a simple @Input() might suffice.
  • Keep logic in the directive: Implement not just fields but also methods for managing those fields, making it easier for child components to interact with them.
  • Use useExisting carefully: Only when you really need to return the same directive instance. If you need a different strategy (e.g., factory pattern), use useFactory instead.